Writing through the Tarot
Tuesdays, 6 – 7:30pm
April 1, 8, 15, 22
Sliding Scale $80-$100
Come along on the Fool’s Journey and write your way through the rich archetypes and symbology of the Tarot. In this four-week class, we’ll explore the three lines of the Major Arcana, using the cards as inspiration for writing our own stories, essays, or poems. Each week we’ll focus on an aspect of narrative within the Tarot (as conceptualized by Rachel Pollack and illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith). Our time together will consist of generative writing prompts and ekphrastic activities designed to spark associations and deepen your connection to the imagery and interpretations of the Tarot. No prior knowledge or experience necessary. This class welcomes any writer or card reader from novice to expert: it’s equal parts Tarot exposure and community of writers. Join us!
About the teacher: Melissa is a poet and writer, the author of three books. She has more than sixteen years of experience as a writing teacher and decades of experience reading Tarot for herself and others.