This is an optional part 2 follow up to the file prep class. This class is $10 per person and the materials printing fees are not included. This means that students will provide their own paper and will pay the $3 per master and .02 cents per impression.
"From June 1st through July 28th 2023, from 12pm to 6pm on Thursdays, I’m inviting the people in Greenfield to sign up or stop by Looky Here to be painted. I’ll paint from life,whoever is there, in the time allotted, what I can get down on the page or canvas. The results will be a […]
10-15 donation
out with the old and in with the new! refresh your wardrobe! $5-15 donation for Looky Here
"From June 1st through July 28th 2023, from 12pm to 6pm on Thursdays, I’m inviting the people in Greenfield to sign up or stop by Looky Here to be painted. I’ll paint from life,whoever is there, in the time allotted, what I can get down on the page or canvas. The results will be a […]
Craft Market in the Blue Room, Old Town Hall, Easthampton
10-15 donation