Spaceship Earth is a 2020 American documentary film directed by Matt Wolf about the 1991 experiment that saw eight individuals spend two years quarantined inside of a self-engineered replica of Earth's ecosystem, dubbed Biosphere 2.
Do you have songs inside of you that need to come out, but you’re not sure where to start? Have you been writing songs forever but you want an extra push to connect with other songwriters and talk about craft? Join me in this 8 week VIRTUAL workshop for a deep dive into the magic […]
This workshop focuses on exploratory quilting projects, with odd shapes, varying fabrics, and no strict patterns. Create something unique, see where the fabric takes you, or just practice technique in this three week workshop. All materials included!
See for registration details on March 11th.
See March 12th to sign up!
FRIDAY! March 22nd from 7:00 – 9:00Music by elie mcafee-hahnReading by Chris WeismanBe first in line to see Chris’s latest book of poems printed by Hannah Brookman on the risograph at Looky!Reserve your copy here!
Saturday, March 23rd from 1:00-3:00! Our second issue is ready for its big debut! Join us for cupcakes and a reading from over 11 writers! $20 includes admission to the reading, a copy of our magazine, and a cupcake!
See March 11th to sign up.
See March 12th to sign up!