Seaweed Monsters, Niaids, Dryads, Pirates and Fairy Queens of All Ages are invited to the Magical, Mystical Wedding of Merfolk to take place at Peskeumskut Park on Saturday, September 2nd from 1-4pm. Attendants are encouraged to dress "Magical Formal" for this special occasion. Wings, tails, horns, beaks and antenna are all welcome. Expect wedding cake, […]
Let's paint, speak Spanish and learn more about Hispanic art and Artists on Wednesday nights at Looky Here in September. You don't need to be a fluent Spanish speaker or a professional artist, just excited for both! Tickets are $20 per class, all materials included. N.O.T.A.F.L.O.F.
Let's paint, speak Spanish and learn more about Hispanic art and Artists on Wednesday nights at Looky Here in September. You don't need to be a fluent Spanish speaker or a professional artist, just excited for both! Tickets are $20 per class, all materials included. N.O.T.A.F.L.O.F.
Come learn the art of needle felting! Fiber artist Anna Sunschauer will teach you how to sculpt fluffy wool fiber into 3D objects using felting needles. In this workshop, you will learn how to make a sweet little little hen ornament! No prior felting experience is necessary, but it is recommended that all participants have […]
Let’s paint, speak Spanish and learn more about Hispanic art and Artists on Wednesday nights at Looky Here in September. You don’t need to be a fluent Spanish speaker or a professional artist, just excited for both! Tickets are $20 per class, all materials included. N.O.T.A.F.L.O.F.
Let’s paint, speak Spanish and learn more about Hispanic art and Artists on Wednesday nights at Looky Here in September. You don’t need to be a fluent Spanish speaker or a professional artist, just excited for both! Tickets are $20 per class, all materials included. N.O.T.A.F.L.O.F.
Absolution: Confessional Nonfiction and Hybrid Memoir Workshop Absolution is a VIRTUAL workshop designed to challenge the soul(s) of self-narrative. Through a combination of craft and a peer support sharing activity, we will transmutate our confessions and their literature into imperfect texts. Feel free to bring multimedia ephemera for the creation of physical and hybrid works. […]