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Short Film Sprint Workshop
Cost: $15 NOTAFLOF
Capacity: 8
Materials: A bunch of cameras, tripods, lights and audio equipment. I will bring from GCTV. I will also bring some random costumes. Editing will happen afterwards (we will work it out in class/if no one volunteers I will be ready to edit the final product)
Description: Greenfield Community TelevisionXLooky Here presents: Build Community, Make Something Together—Really Fast.
Together, we will write a script and shoot a short film in the Looky Here storefront for the upcoming film festival Lights! Camera! Greenfield!—all in just a couple of hours. The festival provides three prompts that must be included in the original short film, which must be 4 minutes or less. We will collaborate and use our collective skills to create a submission that will be presented on the big screen at Greenfield Garden Cinema on March 6, with a chance to win a free screening of any movie of our choosing. Build Community, Learn Skills, Make a Movie.
NOTAFLOF If you need a different price, please email to reserve a spot.