The Strange Page – Flash Fiction Workshop

The Strange Page - Flash Fiction Workshop The Strange Page is not a typical workshop.  It is more of an experimental forum. The workshop operates under the belief that completing weekly prompts greatly […]

Canceled Open Sewing

Bring your own projects or start one here! Suggested donation of $5-20

Drop in Workshop: Bookmaking!

All are welcome to drop in to make books at Looky here. all materials will be provided.

The World Split Open—The Power of Personal Narrative

Looky Here 28 chapman street, greenfield, MA, United States

The World Split Open—The Power of Personal Narrative This 8-week in-person (!) writing class will offer generative prompts for unearthing new material from the rich terrain of our daily lives, […]

Open 4-8

Open 4-8

Music Theory 1

Music Theory with Ellie


Figure Drawing 8/25

Looky Here 28 chapman street, greenfield, MA, United States

BYO materials, easels provided!


The Strange Page – Flash Fiction Workshop

The Strange Page - Flash Fiction Workshop The Strange Page is not a typical workshop.  It is more of an experimental forum. The workshop operates under the belief that completing weekly prompts greatly […]

Canceled Fairy House Day on Avenue A

The Lovelights present Fairy House Day! a day of fairy festivities at Peskeomskut Park in Turners Falls

Open 4-8

Open 4-8